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  • Title Sequence Pitch

Opening title sequence pitch for the show American Greed. The idea for the title sequence is that we would follow a character who embodies the values of American Greed. We see his accumulation of wealth and then his eventual downfall. The sequence would start by introducing our main character surrounded by cars, girls and all the good things that come with being corrupt. But our guy is greedy, and if there is any way to make more money he will take it. A 100 dollar bill flutters by him which catches his attention, he chases the note overcoming any obstacle in his way to accquire it. Just as he is about to get his prize he notices something out the corner of his eye, more money! As the camera swings round we reveal it's a trap and unfortunately for our guy his time is up.

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There were three different variations on the idea for the title sequence. The first idea was more abstract and would of had small vignettes of our main character chasing money and running away from the law, with the eagle frame being the climax of the sequence. The second idea was based loosely of the popular game Mouse Trap with our main character navigating a maze of obsticles while he chased the money before being trapped in a cage much like the classic game. The third idea had a 'Mad Men' influence sequence with our main character climbing the slippery slope to the top of the corruption chain before falling from grace and into the hands of the police.

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Designed by Joe Lea.

Produced at Huge.