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  • Title Sequence

The title sequence to the one off 2 hour show 'How Videogames Changed the World' presented by Charlie Brooker for Channel 4. From Pong to Grand Theft Auto, the show delves into the history of videogames and pulls out a selection of its most significant titles, and unlike many countdown programmes this show discusses the technological and culturally impact each of the games featured had made on the world.

Our brief was to show the history of videogames within the sequence and myself and the guys at Huge Designs came up with the idea of going on a journey into the centre of a arcade machine. We produced style frames and a pitch video to illustrate our idea, although we had no idea what games would be featured in the show, so we decided to base our idea on games we would feature. As we travelled through our arcade machine the games we would see the games play and mash together or interact with each other and at the end we would see all the games explode from the heart of the machine. Once we won the pitch we were given the list of games that would feature in the show and after a conversation with Charlie Brooker and the producers we revised our idea to just a simple journey through the history of games with the ball from Pong being our being our main focus who interacts with the games within the sequence.

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Additional Graphics

We were also tasked with creating the inshow graphics which included a 1-25 countdown and some educational blueprint animations to accompany the show. The 1-25 show all the games within a modern museum on podiums with all the games featured in their original boxes and artwork.

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Designed and Directed by Joe Lea

Art direction by Hugo Moss

Music composed by: Jonathan Dunn

Produced for Zeppotron

Produced at Huge.